Saturday, December 8, 2007

What's wrong with talking about God and sex in the same conversation?

God created sex and PRAISE HIM! Recently we had a girls night out here and I enjoyed it so much. I hope Mel and Lisa did too! Lisa stops the conversation and says, "I don't think I have ever talked about God, sex and drank wine all at the same time." We laughed and continued in our conversations, which I am sorry you are not privvy too!

It's important to talk about the gospel messages and Jesus Christ and why he was sent here. I love that Fellowship at Plum Creek talks about how to be saved everyweek, perhaps we should be more like that. Every conversation leaving each person with 'something God promised' to think about for the day. Having your nonbelieving friends say all you ever talk about is Jesus (that by the way is a compliment). It wasn't that way when I was a kid but fortunately for my kids it will be that way for as long as they can remember.

I am not trying to be boastful here, I am just trying to show you the thoughts and actions that have been happening here lately to give my title some supporting documentation! At Negley Christmas fair, I chose to be outside. It was a lovely day, a little rain but I made it through without melting(whew! not a witch) There was a windchime lady outside as well. That morning I had read in Daniel about how King Neb had made a statue and wanted everyone to bow down when thay heard all these instruments playing. So all day long I was thinking about that and identifing idols that I was bowing to, had bowed to and vowed never to bow to again. Nearly EVERY person that stopped that day said something about it, including my husband. I joyfully shared why that noise was there, that God wanted me to think about this scripture as he needs me to understand what I am doing in my life right now! I shared that story in Daniel at least 20 times and more and more of the idols I was bowing to and one lady stopped writing her check and said, "Wow, thanks for sharing that. Praise God! Now do I need to add tax on here?"

I remember when I worked in the cannery in Alaska. Amy van Dyke and I talking about God again. We did this daily, our conversations entailed from what we read in scripture to how/what we were moved to pray about. Well we lived in a tent, in a tent city and everyone could hear our conversations. One particular evening, a man went walking by and in an annoyed sounding voice saying, "bible, bible, bible, bible, God, bible, God" I remembering laughing and yelling, "We will pray for you!" Amy where ever you are thanks for helping make it through there and always remembering God!

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