Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Southern word for 'go potty, pee pee, or bathroom' is 'tee tee.' Yes I typed it correctly. All my northern friends and family are having the same reaction I did, "What?" with a confused, furrowed brow. So. I have been wondering where the weird word came from and thanks to Stephanie Cherry and the urban dictionary for this:
Here's what Steph found in the Urban Dictionary:
tee tee
(verb) A very genteel southern term for urination. Used for both sexes in childhood, used by women throughout their lives. Tee tee comes from the tee-hiny. A person who would use this term would never let the coarsely vulgar "pee" ever cross their lips.
(noun) The tee-hiny is the nether region of the body, particularly for women and girls. I have never heard this term in reference to males, but that's not to say it doesn't exist. It isn't just the vagina, it's the "bottom" plus any other places "down there." This term is used almost exclusively in the south by the very genteel but anatomically disinterested. Its origins are unknown, but it's common in South Louisiana, where "Tee" is a French/Cajun term meaning "little." So it could be translated as "little hiny/hinie/hiney."The main product of the tee-hiny is tee-tee. No nice lady in the south would ever say "pee." It is considered extremely vulgar, probably worse than the "F" word. Again, it's not just the vagina because everybody knows you don't tee-tee from your vagina. You tee-tee from your tee-hiny.

SO I guess if you hear 'pee pee' come flying out of my mouth it may be to make someone upset:) FYI I have asked everyone I have heard used this term over the past 2 years and not one person had any idea where it came from. I have potty on the brain as Steven should be but he isn't, he told me today, "I yike diapers, I pee, you change it." I think it's time to take some serious action with the potty training. He was doing so good for so long. We have been using disposables now since we went on our trip, I think when we go back to cloth that will help.

Okay now for a bit deeper thought. I continued reading in Matthew today and read through his crucifixion. I wept thinking about how terrible Peter must have felt after betraying Jesus. I too have betrayed him a in different ways and how easy to say if I had been in his Peter's shoes I would not have faltered but I can think of times where I have. I have been in similar shoes, and how my heart breaks at the realization of it. My first thoughts of this day were focused on Matthew 40-41.
40Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. "Could you men not keep
watch with me for one hour?" he asked Peter. 41"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into
temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."
Oh how I can relate especially right now as I struggle with my weight and overall health. All the more reason to pray without seizing!

My thoughts today are centered around this thought as a whole. Christ came here for ME(and YOU!), a broken person, with a messy life. Christmas is a time to remember the gift God gave us. A perfect God giving his perfect LOVE to this imperfect world! Which makes me want to conclude this with prayer because I am moved again just typing this thought.

Thank you God for sending your son, our savior to heal our broken hearts and help us clean up our messy lives. Help us to learn from Christ's life and example and help us to open our hearts and have faith that you will heal our broken places. Thank you for this life, thank you for my many blessings and thank you for Jesus. In Jesus Christ name, Amen!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

What's wrong with talking about God and sex in the same conversation?

God created sex and orgasims..so PRAISE HIM! Recently we had a girls night out here and I enjoyed it so much. I hope Mel and Lisa did too! Lisa stops the conversation and says, "I don't think I have ever talked about God, sex and drank wine all at the same time." We laughed and continued in our conversations, which I am sorry you are not privvy too!

It's important to talk about the gospel messages and Jesus Christ and why he was sent here. I love that Fellowship at Plum Creek talks about how to be saved everyweek, perhaps we should be more like that. Every conversation leaving each person with 'something God promised' to think about for the day. Having your nonbelieving friends say all you ever talk about is Jesus (that by the way is a compliment). It wasn't that way when I was a kid but fortunately for my kids it will be that way for as long as they can remember.

I am not trying to be boastful here, I am just trying to show you the thoughts and actions that have been happening here lately to give my title some supporting documentation! At Negley Christmas fair, I chose to be outside. It was a lovely day, a little rain but I made it through without melting(whew! not a witch) There was a windchime lady outside as well. That morning I had read in Daniel about how King Neb had made a statue and wanted everyone to bow down when thay heard all these instruments playing. So all day long I was thinking about that and identifing idols that I was bowing to, had bowed to and vowed never to bow to again. Nearly EVERY person that stopped that day said something about it, including my husband. I joyfully shared why that noise was there, that God wanted me to think about this scripture as he needs me to understand what I am doing in my life right now! I shared that story in Daniel at least 20 times and more and more of the idols I was bowing to and one lady stopped writing her check and said, "Wow, thanks for sharing that. Praise God! Now do I need to add tax on here?"

I remember when I worked in the cannery in Alaska. Amy van Dyke and I talking about God again. We did this daily, our conversations entailed from what we read in scripture to how/what we were moved to pray about. Well we lived in a tent, in a tent city and everyone could hear our conversations. One particular evening, a man went walking by and in an annoyed sounding voice saying, "bible, bible, bible, bible, God, bible, God" I remembering laughing and yelling, "We will pray for you!" Amy where ever you are thanks for helping make it through there and always remembering God!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tricia Goyers New Fiction Series..Book 2

I didn't pay attention to history class, I paid attention to my neighbor who paid attention to history class. How sad that truth is now, not only was it deceitful, I really did only cheat myself. I watch movies or read historical fiction and I am fascinated but sad because I'm not building on any prior knowledge, thank goodness I am capable of learning now and I know how to research and find more information:)

Which brings me to series I am reading written by Tricia Goyer. It is called Chronicles of the Spanish War. Book one was a great love story, packed with war adventures, and the faithfulness of God and his promises. I was so happy that book 2 arrived last week but was afraid to start because I have been known to start and finish a book all in one setting..and then I am wiped out and my kids are wondering what happend.

Here is an excerpt from book 2, I will let you know what I think when I complete it.
Sophie discovers that nothing is as she first imagined. When Walt, the reporter who helped her over the border, shows up again after Guernica is bombed, Sophie is given an impossible mission. She must leave behind the man she's fallen in love with and return to the person who betrayed her.
Another layer of the war in Spain is revealed as Sophie is drawn into the international espionage schemes that could turn the tide of the war and help protect the soldiers from the International Brigade ... but can she find a way to get the information she's discovered to Walt before it's too late?