Sunday, December 21, 2008

My kids are not kids friendly..well not at Christmas anyway

Santa or not? That has been our debate for 3 years, we just never did it. We have always moved at Christmas time so haven't decorated in like 5 years. This year we have decorated, we didn't even remember what we have or didn't have. We have lots of Santa paraphenlia, when you teach you get lots of gifts like that at Christmas. Justin didn't put any out, he thought it would be confusing for the kids. My sister gave us a ton of books that had Santa in them and so they have been lloked at a nd read lots. Finally Mr. Inquisitive(Steven) says, "Mom, can reindeer really fly?" I answer honestly, "no son, it just meant to be a fun story." He continues, "Is Santa like Oliva(she is a pig and we find these books hilarious)? " "Yes Santa is made up like someone made up Olivia except Santa's story is modeled after a kind priest..." I go on and finish the story. Steven is satisfied and we go on with the day.

2 days later we are shopping at Kohls. The lady who is checking us out says, "my what good boys you have been standing in line. I bet Santa is going to be good to you this year." Steven looks at her, frowing his brow, making the usual Steven face and says, "There is no Santa." She continues, "oh yes there is, don't you believe in Santa?" "You're a liar, if you don't tell the truth then you are a liar and there is no Santa, right mommy" steven continues. It all happend so fast my head was spinning. I just smiled and said, "we celebrate Jesus's birthday at Christmas. Have a blessed season, Liar!" Just kdding I didn't say liar. I was embarrassed at first but it makes me laugh and laugh now.

I love how everything is black and white to kids. The two haven't been muddled up and there is no grey. I think it's the grey that causes us confusion and easily can stray us from God. Staying connected to the black and white of things through God's word, holding those truths and measuring all things by them will keep us close to God, which is where we all long to be(whether we acknowledge or not). The bible isn't black and white on every decision but when you are close to God, and he guides you to where He wants you, and then you're right where you are supposed to be.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In the event you forget, it's ADVENT season!

And what is it I am listening to? Third day baby! O come, O come Emmanual a beautiful advent rock song, oh err strike that, hymn. I am excited this year to celebrate advent with the kids. We have a felt nativity scene given to us by Chad and Kris Kratovil..Thanks!!! Each day(as if we have done so many) we put up a piece and talk about what significance it has. So day 1: the donkey, of course! Today(day 2) was Mary riding the donkey and sneaky Jesus gets to be in her womb so we talked about him too:) I really need to plan out the rest of the scenes and get a better felt display boad, my pillowcase on the wall is rather lame.

I bought a new picture book to give the kids yesterday and it is about the nativity. We had already read a bunch of books about Christmas and Christmas themes. I was having a great time. Steven unwraps the book and says, "Is this another book about baby Jesus? Mom, Jesus already growed up!" So we waited and read it today:) Steven's comment yesterday made me think, 'wow, at 3 years old, he knows Jesus has walked the earth, Christmas has come so to speak.' It still important to know the King came to us in a lowly manner, he is for everyone and advent literally means 'coming' and we are awaiting Christ's coming, so party up people!

I am excited for Christmas to come this year. For the first time in 5 years: I am excited for the Christmas season, we are going to decorate, I am participating in a cookie swap, and plan on passin' out the homebaked love to neighbors. I am rejoicing in my heart because Christ has called me out of darkness and into his marveouls light! Things are better, brighter and purposeful. I have a place I call home, I never thought I would say that about anywhere but where I grew up, but I feel at home here in Kyle. I have a wonderful, encouraging, handsome spouse, two sweet, compassionate, wild and fun-loving boys, a great group of friends and so many other blessings I do not deserve. I am humbled that God chose me to be apart of his family, me, full of bad thoughts, bad words and lots of other ugliness but he loves me deeply and gives me a robe of righteousness.

Maybe he's calling your heart this Christmas season, prepare Him some room!

You can get God in!

I was reading that Rev. George M. Docherty has died at 97 this week. He is known for helping to get 'under God' entered into the pledge of alliegence, before 1954 it was not present.
How cool is that! Truth be told, I thought it was always in there since the pilgrims proclomation was so very clear that they came here to give God glory. I feel encouraged because change can and does happen. We can have God back in schools but we can't sit back quietly and do nothing, nor must we be jerks about it. When you have had God romance your heart, he does so with such care, so much love and tenderness and the mere thought of his love consumes you with good feelings, I beg to ask who wouldn't want that? Why are we not living in such a way that acknowledges that? This video series is pretty shocking, at least it was for me. My brother sent it and as I watched and prayed, I thought it important to share.

Aunt Kim is having a baby!

I have been wanting to post that on my blog for like 8 weeks. Kim is my remarkable friend, who I am sure the boys will deem one of the coolest as her degree is in Paleo and they LOVE dinos. Plus once you get to know her, she is truly one hip chick. I remember saying hi, and saying hi and reading her expression as we passed in the bathroom and it said, "you are one weird girl. I wonder why she is always saying hello to me." I befriended her roommate in a college class, and that is how I finally weaseled my way in:) She was a great confidant to me when I was working and she loves kids as much as I do. She is also a natural teacher and exceptional with kids. So yipee we are excited for you Kim and Jon! We love you guys very much! We are also glad to know you are having a boy, whawhoo the boys will love this!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Be holy, as I am holy......1 Peter 1:16

Let me start out with I love my husband, but if I had to tell you who my first choice of the "completely never going to happen" boyfriend list is, it's Peter. Yes, Peter from the Bible, so I am weird, like you, didn't already know that.

I am just finishing up with 1st and 2nd Peter 12 week study and it has been an amazing journey. Beautiful promises, big aaaaHA!s and new prescriptions(seeing things more clearly). 2 Peter 1:3 states: His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

I remember 3 weeks ago being 'WOWed" by that. I remember talking it over with Justin and sharing this dialog: What? I can't say, "your only human" to my sweet sister in Christ anymore? No more using Romans 3:23 for the perpetual bandaid of missing the mark? I NEVER knew that! I knew I shouldn't feel defeated because Jesus wins, he already came here, over came sin and death and he will come again and his kingdom has NO END. We shouldn't have the defeated mind set at all as we have been given everything we need for life and godliness. Thank you Jesus! SO now what, well what does the bible say ENCOURAGE one another! Love one another! I need to Jesus work on those things in me.
So a few weeks pass, we leave for vacation. I am in God's word at the farm as there are no distractions there. I didn't take my adress book or phone numbers so since I only have like 2 peoples number's memorized and HORRIBLE cell reception I wasn't calling(just an FYI) It was nice. The prayer was great, I had time to journal, to think, to let the Holy Spirit sort it out for me. God is good! I get to see some dear friends in Rapid City, 2 of my friends have daughters 1.5 and 2 and it was so cute to see them play and their excitement to see one another, much like the excitement their moms display when they greet one another. I feel joy as I type that thought. I love those ladies Steph and Jenn. I see Christ in them, he works through them in beautiful ways.

Vacation gets a little busy, God's word is MIA a couple days, then an entire week. I am in shock and stunned by things I notice, see, hear, they flood me, and it's all I can see, hear and the shock turns to depression. I am in a funk. Everywhere I look I see only sin and anguish and darkness and it is taking it's toll on me. I go to church on Sunday and the priest says, "it's not about a personal relationship with Jesus, it's about a relationship with the church that brings you into commune with the Lord." "What is going on ?" I am thining and I look aroud the sanctuary hoping to see one person in as much shock as I am but I don't. I rush home to tell Justin and he says, "yes does that surprise you? That is what they believe." My feathers get ruffled from this response and his delivery and by now my eyes are completely on myself and what I see(I forget, I only see because he has given me new lens) and I don't take any of this to Jesus, there is only dispair and I am having a rough time. I have no way to process and I just see all this terrible stuff all around, and I get so caught up in it that I forget, I know the person who knows all the answers and I am not praying. Then it's late(after midnight) and we are walking to mom's from my sister's(less then a block and accross the street) and there is a man walking behind us about 100 yeards. He is bundled up as it's cold, we can't see his features as it's dark and he is hidden in his coat and hood. He is using this strange voice and saying things like, "I am going to get you, I am going to kill you" and I TOTALLY loose it inside! I can't get inside my mom's fast enough, I can't get the door locked or even shut and Justin has to help me. He can tell now that I am scared and freaked out. He couldn't make out anything the man was saying, only that he had a weird voice and he was completely unbothered by the whole incidence and I was terrified. As I am lying in bed, I realize that I hadn't even thought to pray or acknowledge that Jesus was there with me. This isn't my usual response, I am usually the calm, prayerful person and Jesus is more to the top of the list of my thoughts, words and I never would have guessed I would be writing this type of story, not after all the promises God has given me.

This morning I am studying and recalling events of the trip, I am confessing my transgressions, my innappropriate actions and responses, but mostly my doubting of my Savior. I finish up praying and go back to reading and this is my scripture: Hebrews 10:35-39:So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him."But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

Surround yourselves with others who will encourage you Biblically correct, not politically correct ways. I loved visiting but it's good to be home.