I have no camera..but a new one is on the way. Here are the guys in their summer haircuts. I felt the same way I did when I came home from the Coast Guard Academy and Justin had died his hair white and had the goat tee. I so wish I had a picture to post. You can also see the snazzy new curtains in the background. We finally saved enough to buy some curtains, what I learned was I should have saved longer for the rods. They are ridiculously expensive.
Steven and his amazing pee stories, I am not adding or exaggerating in any way. These are all true accounts of our 4 year old.
2:00 am House is sound asleep. "Hi guys!" Steven bops into our room, sounds as if he's been up for hours. "Son, what are you doing?" I ask. "I just have to potty." We hear the sound of liquid being poured onto the carpet, I sit up in bed and can see from the hallway light, Steven is peeing in our doorway. Then Steven says, "Goodnite, I can't find the flusher." I follow him to his room and he gets in bed and is out cold. Justin and I laugh ourselves sick as we are toweling up pee. Carpet needed cleaning anyway!
The boys were watching a instant play on Netflix on the computer(my babysitter when I am trying to get all I have procrastinated done), I come in and his pants are around his ankles and he is sitting in the chair watching the video. "Son, why are your shorts down?" "Nothing," he says and then Andrew chimes in, "I do, Steven peed in the trash can." After the conversation of we don't pee in trash cans, I learned he didn't want to miss his video. Hmmm maybe it's time to teach them about the pause button.
Steven is in the bathroom in the morning. This thunderous giggle is errupting from the bathroom, I say, "what's the matter?" He says, "My butt just burped and I peed on the wall. I am so sorry the pee went everywhere." Never in my life have I cleaned bathrooms so much. Now that both boys are standing they get wiped up at least daily, most days more often. The good is that I never worry(to much) if the bathroom is too gross if someone stops by.
I am sorting baby clothes and notice Andrew trying to carry the kiddie potty out of the bathroom. I ask, "Son, why do you have the potty." He replies, "steven needs to go potty and I am taking it to him." "You can tell Steven mommy says, to go potty in the bathroom." Okay he definatley needs to know about the pause button.
And now for Andrew, he is pretty excited to be a big brother like Steven and not be the baby anymore.
Andrew has been waking up and every morning he sits on my lap to tell me his dream(which is a made up story of some kind, maybe a dream, probably not). He whispers, "I had a nightmare" and begins with the story. They usually have a ghost in them and then some how at the end they end up all rosie and eating ice cream. Good morning entertainment.
Andrew came and ask me to pray for him because his soldiers(shoulders) were hurting. His father had been working shoulders just the day before and complaining about soreness...I hope it isn't something that you can catch:)
We are at the grocery store and using the restroom. They have the foam soap and Andrew is barely tall enough to reach it by himself and of course he is BIG now and wants to do it himself. He pushes the button and it squirts him in the face, giving him the perfect mustache. The three of us are laughing so hard, we can barely contain ourselves. So I try to help thinking, I have his hand in the right spot and bam! it happens again, though not as strategically placed as the first time, but still just as funny. What a great day at the store, laughing can make the day so much more memorable!
Andrew nearly always refers to the new baby as a girl. It's always she and her when he talking about the baby. He had big plans for what she will be learning when she arrives. He really thinks changing diapers is going to be something great, I sure hope he's good at it, that would be awesome..LOL
Andrew keeps saying he thinks he needs to go to the doctor. "Why do you think you need to go to the doctor son?" I ask. "My eyes keep doing this," as he crosses his eyes and looks very crazy( I so need to insert a picture here) We are getting a new camera then I promise to be better about posting photos!
Kids are great, all kids. I have always thought so. I never thought I would be a mother, always thought I would be that cool Aunt without kids that everyone loves to visit. You spoil the kids rotten and leave. I am so glad God had a different plan for me. God blesses us with children, and without them I can see some of the largest blessings I would have missed. The joy they bring as they make us laugh, the love we feel at unpromted hugs and kisses, the way they make us want to strive to be better because they are always watching and learning, but the coolest thing for me is how I can relate to God better because of this role he has placed me in called parenting. The way He loves me, the way the Word speaks to me and provides insight that I could have never known without being a parent.
Tonight we were talking about some scripture in Matthew and in Psalms and it all makes complete sense to me as I think about it from a parenting perspective. Thank you Father for that gift! I want God to show me how to raise my boys His way, through His word so that they may live upright, righteous lives and bring HIM glory.